During the beginning of the Corona period, we were often contacted by customers who wanted a quote for a move, but at the same time did not want a home visit. We soon came up with the idea to try quotes via Whatsapp or Facetime.
The first customers responded positively. Before a move, it is always important to make a good estimate of the number of cubic meters that must be moved. That soon turned out to lead to funny situations. As a mover, it is important to see all corners of the house, while customers often unconsciously passed parts of the house just a little too quickly.
We often asked the customers to return to a room to view it from a different or asked more details of a door that we passed quickly. Where does that door go?''. Sometimes the answer came 'oh, there are only some books''. Especially important to take that into account because in the almost 100 years that we have been moving, it has happened very often that a mover lifted a box that was very heavy and was filled to the brim with books.
We are happy that we have been able to help customers in a safe way over the past period. Video calling seems to be a nice addition to quickly get an idea of what your move will cost. We still prefer a personal visit. This is the only way we can make a correct offer.